Tuesday, July 10, 2012

...Post Time...

...well, I have barraged you with numerous posts... but, actually, I am just 'revamping' this thing to make it a bit easier to deal with... these posts just posted will be 'perpetual', in that I'll just add more stuff...and y'all feel free to add comments at will...

I did away with the 'pages' section, as it just...wasn't working, y'all...

And hopefully, I can start somewhat 'regular posting', for current events, and get y'all's take on it...

As a result, I'll just put a 'LINK' to these posts somewhere up tiop, so ya can always link to it...cause I KNOW y'all want to catch up on huey's fav music lyrics... and so forth...

Hope y'all are well...and tell all your friends about the nutty crunch that IS NBABOH... We're open for business...AGAIN!!!!


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