Friday, January 25, 2013

Super Seventies Saturday #9 - "Jolene" by Dolly Parton

...OK, this one might be a little bit of a 'curveball', considering the general 'style' of tunes presented so far...but then again, Dolly Parton's 'Jolene' actually DOES fit into the 'serious theme' of a lot of 70s tunes... and it's a reminder that one of the BIG reasons the 70s were so cool, music-wise, is that it's the first decade where ALL forms of music 'co-mingled' on any given radio station... I'm pretty sure I heard this tune on 'mainstream Top 40' radio, alongside stuff from Elton John, Eagles, The Spinners, etc... just a cool potpourri of tunes...
...probably my favorite Dolly tune... although '9 to 5' is pretty dang peppy, and 'I Will Always Love You" is a classic, even before Whitney got aholt of it... (is 'aholt' a word? Sounds good to me...)  ...the line that speaks of "auburn hair" is pretty cool, since I am an Auburn football fan, MAIN team is my alma mater, UAB, but I grew up as an aubie, so will always have that 'pulling' as well... anyway... this song is just intense, in that, the cat's out of the bag regarding 'the affair', so now Dolly's just trying to reason with this Jezebel (Jolene must be a variant of that, no?) to leave her dude alone, most likely to no avail...

OK, well... hope all is well out there...wrapping up some work stuff this weekend, but...things are proceeding... stay tuned...

Until Later...


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