Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Big Band Wednesday #7 - "Sweet Georgia Brown" by The Count Basie Orchestra

...Hi, y'all!

Hope all is well for you... Hu and the crew are fine.

As for this week's Big Band selection, I went with Count Basie and his Orchestra, performing that perennial fave, "Sweet Georgia Brown" - a.k.a. the Harlem Globetrotters 'theme song'.

SGB was written by Ben Bernie (bandleader), Maceo Pinkard (music), and Kenneth Casey (lyrics), in the genteel year of 1925; it was a big hit for Bernie's Orchestra, charting at #1 for 5 weeks.

According to Wiki, this song is the first to have a saxophone solo...so there ya go.
This rendition by the Count Basie Orchestra is noted as being from 1977...thus a somewhat recent recording. A VERY cool note to the video...at the beginning, when the Count sits down, the dude on the upright bass is Cleve Eaton... whom my Ma knows from her time working in a local bakery! He and his wife used to frequent there quite a bit, and I even have a CD from him, with him collaborating with some of the local musicians in town... so it's REAL cool to (kinda) know this fellow - I think I met him once when I was a young 'un, but I would REALLY like to hear some of his tales now...

Anyway, hope you enjoy... a very nice 'dixieland' type jazz tune.

Have a great week, y'all!

Until later...


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